BrightTALK Reporting APIs – Planned upgrade of SSL certificate to SHA-2

The SHA-1 SSL certificate used by the Channel owner reporting APIs in the BrightTALK staging environment ( has now been replaced with a SHA-2 certificate. SHA-1 is deemed to be insecure and as a result the SHA-1 hashing algorithm is being deprecated by Certificate Authorities.

A similar change will be applied to the BrightTALK production environment in the near future after providing customers with an opportunity to sanity test their existing reporting integrations against the updated staging environment.

The technical risk of this change breaking your existing BrightTALK reporting integration is considered to be low. However, if you’re unsure whether your existing integration (API client) is capable of supporting SHA-2 signed certificates, or more generally accommodating a change in the API server’s SSL certificate, we strongly recommend you schedule a sanity test of your integration in conjunction with the updated BrightTALK staging environment at the earliest opportunity.

Our intention is to allow a period of 3 months to provide sufficient time for customers to carry out testing against the BrightTALK staging environment. After 19/8/17, we will confirm the cutover date for rolling this change out to the BrightTALK production environment (

If you have any questions for us then please email