To aid with analytics for embedded BrightTALK content on 3rd party sites we support pushing certain messages to the parent page.
This enables the host pages of embedded content to act on these messages or to report these messages to 3rd party analytic tools.
Events Published
We currently support messages published on the following events:
- Pre-registration
- Live Viewing
- On-Demand Viewing
Publish Mechanism
Messages are pushed to the parent page using Javascript “window.postMessage()” functionality, meaning a listener function can be added to the host page to receive these messages.
Message Details
The following payload will be delivered to the host listener function in the “data” element of the event object:
eventType: 'BrightTALK Conversion',
eventAction: '{{brighttalk-action}}',
- Adding a listener will show other messages used internally – these are labelled version 1 in the header section and should be ignored
- Messages for tracking events will be labelled version 2 and the name “track-event”
- The body attribute will contain the event information to consume
- “eventType” will always be “BrightTALK Conversion”
- “eventAction” will be one of:
- Live Viewing
- On-Demand Viewing
- Pre-registration